Barataria North Secondary School

Barataria North Secondary

Our History

Our History in Pictures

Past Principals of Barataria Junior Secondary School & Barataria North Secondary School.

Mr. Oswald T. Paul

Mr. Oswald T. Paul

Principal B.J.S.S


Mr. Lionel Bain

Mr. Lionel Bain

Principal B.J.S.S.


Mr. Smith

Mr. Smith

Principal B.J.S.S.


Mr. Alvin Persad

Mr. Alvin Persad

Principal B.J.S.S.


Mrs. Cleopatra Hosten

Mrs. Cleopatra Hosten

Principal (Ag.)


Mr. Muchison Sylvester

Mr. Muchison Sylvester

Principal B.J.S.S.


Mr. Bevon Spencer

Mr. Bevon Spencer

Principal (Ag.) B.J.S.S.

2002-2005 & 2006

Ms. Merlyn Scott-Duffy

Ms. Merlyn Scott-Duffy

Principal B.J.S.S.


Mr. Gregory Francis

Mr. Gregory Francis

Principal B.J.S.S. & B.N.S.S.


Ms. Tracy Ellis

Ms. Tracy Ellis

Principal (Ag.)


Ms. Annie Balchan

Ms. Annie Balchan

Principal B.N.S.S.


Ms. Christiane Williams

Ms. Christiane Williams

Principal (Ag.)


Our History in Words

The history of Barataria North Secondary School goes back to April 17th, 1972 when the school was established; headed by Mr. Talbot Paul; the school’s first principal. Mr. Paul served from April 17th, 1972 through 1979. At that time the school was known as Barataria Junior Secondary School
The motto of the school at that time was “PREPARE TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW”.
Barataria Junior Secondary, like all other Junior Secondary Schools at that time, was operated on a shift basis – morning shift (A.M.) and afternoon shift (P.M.).

The A.M shift hours were from 7:15am to 12:15pm and the P.M shift from 12:30pm to 5:15pm. The A.M shift students were green and white-green trousers/skirts, white shirts/blouse, while the P.M shift students were yellow shirts/blouse with green trousers/skirts. Regardless of the shift, the school was always represented by students from both shifts at competitions such as
football, netball, cricket, basketball, graduation exercises and so on


Subjects Offered


Years Established

Get In Touch

Location: 37-39 George Bailey Drive, Barataria, San Juan 251715, Trinidad & Tobago.

Telephone: (868) 638-5408 | (868) 674-2136


School Hours: M-F: 7:45 a.m. - 2 p.m.