Barataria North Secondary School

Barataria North Secondary

Admissions & Resources
Form One Registration

How To Register for Form One.

Congratulations on your success and welcome to Barataria North Secondary School.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Congratulations to you and your child/ward on his/her success at the S.E.A. Examinations. We look forward to you joining our family here at Barataria North Secondary  School. The following are the details concerning registration.

We are encouraging ALL parents to complete our registration procees at the school of July 5th 2024 from 8:30 a.m.


Call For Inquiry

(868) 638 – 5408

BNSS Registration Instructions.

You MUST provide the following-:

  • Birth Certificate- original and copy (most recent).
  • An Affidavit is required where there is no name on the birth certificate, or if the name on the birth certificate does not correspond with that on the SEA Student’s Performance Report.
  • Two (2) passport-sized photos of student-Name must be written on the back of the photos (most recent).
  • Original & copy of Student’s Immunization Records 

  • Parent/Guardian Identification Card (copy of ID card).
  • If you are NOT the biological parent, then you MUST provide copy and original of legal documents giving you custody or legal guardianship over the child.
  • If the student is a non-national, please provide valid Student’s Permit/Evidence of Immigration Status and any relevant documents if he/she is a non-national.
  • Identification/Job Address/Telephone/ Email/Address Information of at least one (1) Parent/Guardian is required.
  • A contribution of $200.00 must be paid to offset the costs of ID Cards, School Club Dues, Caution Fee and PTA dues.

N.B: Please provide copies of all documents.


  • You MUST still register your child if you want a transfer
  • Students not accepting places MUST complete the declaration form and return to the school before (Date to be determined by MOE)
  • If you wish a transfer you MUST complete the transfer form and return to the school before (Date to be determined by MOE)
  • Please ENSURE that forms are FULLY FILLED OUT and signed by the Parent/Guardian.
  • Booklist, Uniform, and School rules can be found on the school’s website.

National Anthem

Forged from the love of liberty,
In the fires of hope and prayer,
With boundless faith in our Destiny,
We solemnly declare,
Side by side we stand,
Islands of the blue Caribbean Sea,
This our Native Land,
We pledge our lives to Thee,
Here every creed and race finds an equal place,
And may God bless our Nation,
Here every creed and race finds an equal place,
And may God bless our Nation

National School Prayer

Praise be to you, Almighty God, Creator of the Universe and all that is in it.
We thank You, O Father for the opportunity which You are giving us
to increase our knowledge.
May Your Devine Grace enable us to study hard and use what we learn for the good of our fellow citizens.
We pray that You will free us from selfishness, lust, greed, anger and hatred.
Warm our hearts with love, fill our minds with understanding and strengthen our wills in the face of difficulty.
Help us O Father, to make our beloved Country of Trinidad and
Tobago the kind of place you want it to be – A place where human
dignity is respected, where equal rights are accorded to all citizens,
where hard work is encouraged and rewarded and where You O God
reign Supreme.

Independence Pledge

I solemnly pledge to dedicate my life
To the service of God
And to my country.

I will honour my parents,
My teachers, my leaders and my elders,
And those in authority

I will be clean and honest in all my thoughts,
My words and my deeds.

I will strive, in everything I do
To work together with my fellowmen
Of every creed and race
For the greater happiness of all
And the honour and glory
Of my country.




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Visit our photo galleries at Flickr.


Subjects Offered


Years Established

Get In Touch

Location: 37-39 George Bailey Drive, Barataria, San Juan 251715, Trinidad & Tobago.

Telephone: (868) 638-5408 | (868) 674-2136


School Hours: M-F: 7:45 a.m. - 2 p.m.