Barataria North Secondary School

Parent Teacher Association

“Moving Forward Together”


To be an effective association in this country that will impact the school, home and community positively.


To create in implement programmes, structures and relationships with key stakeholders in our society that will move Barataria North Secondary School forward in a positive and successful manner.

Objectives of the PTA

  • To increase Parental involvement in the school.
  • To support parents, teachers and students to increase student success.
  • To collaborate with the school to improve services offered to students
  • To foster an environment for parents to address and deal with issues or concerns in school.
  • To improve communication with parents on issues affecting the school.
  • To lend financial support to programs for students and parents development.
  • To foster positive relationships with the school’s community.
  • To help improve the image of the school.
  • To create opportunities for Parent and Teacher Skills Training and Education.
  • To be recognized and function as a critical stakeholder being fully involved and participation in the operation of the school.

PTA Executive

President: Ms. Ariea Yearwood

Vice President: Ms. Shamatee Sammy

Secretary: Ms. Afeisha Liverpool

Asst. Secretary: Ms. Shanella Williams

Treasurer: Ms. Lynda St. Bernard

Education Officer: Mr. Dale David

Public Relations Officer: Ms. Fayola Vidale

Welfare Officer: Ms. Aloma Bledman

Trustees: Ms. Roxanne Des Vignes- Chase                                                     Ms. Raenata Genty-Williams

Coordinators: Mr. Brent Thorne
                          Mr. Garvin Melville
                          Mr. Curtis Worrel
                          Ms. Lystra Mendoza
                          Ms. Collette Thompson

Expectations of Parents

  • Become a member of the PTA and attend meetings regularly.
  • Ensure that my child observes and adheres to all the school rules.
  • Communicate and work with the teachers to ensure success.
  • Spend time with my child by monitoring, disciplining and encouraging positive behaviours.
  • Encourage your child to be regular and punctual at school.
  • Seek help for problems which you may be encountering with your child.
  • Provide children with opportunities for spiritual and moral growth and development.

Get In Touch 

9 + 5 =


Subjects Offered


Years Established

Get In Touch

Location: 37-39 George Bailey Drive, Barataria, San Juan 251715, Trinidad & Tobago.

Telephone: (868) 638-5408 | (868) 674-2136


School Hours: M-F: 7:45 a.m. - 2 p.m.